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IT questionnaire

We appreciate your interest in our IT solutions. Please fill out this questionnaire to the best of your ability. If you have any questions we are more than happy to address them before, during or after you complete the questionnaire.


How your company handles its data helps us define what methods of collaboration and protection will prove to be the most effective.


Your company's security is very important to us. The more we know the better equipped we are to provide effective consulting and support.


Every company manages their IT differently. We're gathering as much data as we can about your company to optimize our efficiency and efficacy.


Authentication defines how system and resource access is granted. Having strong passwords and two factor authentication is helpful to deter many forms of attacks.


Policies define a company's expectations of how information systems should be handled and secured, employee behavior at work, etc. Every company with more than two employees should strongly consider formalizing policies for important issues like cybersecurity, emergency response, business continuity, employee hiring and termination, etc.


Regulations for handling sensitive data are generally quite stringent, even at the state-level. Often times businesses whose industries are not formally regulated still fall within the purview of personally identifiable and sensitive information penalties for unauthorized disclosure. Virginia, for example, has particularly harsh penalties for unauthorized disclosure of sensitive data.



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